Gary Hanak audition tracks

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Note that with IE, the controls are full featured and robust. With Netscape/Mozilla, there's only the start button. You'll need to expand the controller (start the song, then right click to launch your local application) to have any hope of stopping the playback. Sorry…

I am currently running the tracks as MP3, so if you don't have an MP3 player installed, you won't hear anything. Far be it from me to tell you what you need to load…
And if your company has firewalls and such things in place to prevent downloading such stuff as this, you might not be able to hear this even if you have an MP3 player installed.

Please keep in mind that computer speakers don't have the best bass. And please note that if you try and play more than one song at a time, you will succeed, and it will sound like crap. Yes, even more than you might think it already does. Just sayin'...
